At-Home Workout Tips | How to Stay Motivated During this Quarantine

As I head into week three of quarantine, my new workout routine (if you can even call it that), is quickly becoming my new norm. Whether you are trying to stick to a daily routine or just itching to move, getting some type of workout in throughout your day (even if it is just a quick walk around the block), can do amazing things for not only your day, but your overall mental health while we are stuck at home.

Adjusting from gym workouts to at-home workouts

To be honest, working out from home has never been my favorite. I thrive in a gym or fitness studio setting. Obviously that isn't really an option for any of us right now, so I have had to become more comfortable with our new reality. For me, it has required a shift in my overall mindset. Instead of thinking about how much I dread working out from home, I started to think of some of the positives instead. And now, working out from home has started to become my new normal and I honestly kind of dig it.

Shifting your mindset

Luckily I still have access to take my Pure Barre studio's livestream classes from home and I have been adjusting to taking Madeline Move's weekly workouts from our make shift gym as well - aka our basement/laundry room (yes, it is as glorious as it sounds) 😂Working out at least five to six times per week is still super important to me, gym or not, so I knew I needed to find a way to get my daily sweat in, despite the gym closures. Just because I didn't have access to an actual gym anymore, didn't mean that I couldn't bring the same amount of intensity that I had been - that is all dependent on ME, regardless of the equipment or environment I have access to right now.

With that all that said, I thought it would be helpful to blog about some tips that have helped me stay motivated while working out at home during our quarantine. Check them out below and let me know what you think. And if you have any good tips, I would love to learn what has or hasn't worked for you.

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Nine Tips for Working Out at Home

  1. Plan your entire week of workouts ahead of time and write them down. I know I might be a little more Type A than some, but it really helps me stick to a plan if I have it written down somewhere. I typically will write out my daily workouts in my Erin Condren planner every Sunday. That way, I know ahead of time what my week looks like, especially if I am teaching early in the morning and know I will need to find another time throughout that day to fit my workout in. It also holds me accountable. Nothing feels better than crossing it off my planner at the end of the day!

  2. Create a designated workout space. As you may have seen on my Instagram Stories, Coop and I have adjusted to working out in our unfinished basement. Yes it is small and less than ideal, but it works and we have designated that space for where we go to get a killer workout in. Just like any space in your home, make it yours and make it feel unique to you. Creating an inviting space might give you that extra boost of energy you need to get that last rep in (or starting the workout in the first place)!

  3. Start early - set your alarm and stick to it. I have always loved working out first thing in the morning. I know some of you might not be morning people or maybe working out in the morning before you go to work is legit not an option for you and that is OKAY. If you have a certain time throughout your day that you know you will stick to, keep doing that. BUT, if you have struggled with finding time to workout throughout the day because things got busy or whatever it is (cuz ahem life), then I suggest trying to workout first thing in the morning. I have found that when I workout first thing, I am less likely to find an excuse to NOT do it later. Working out early in the morning has become a habit and now I am that crazy person that wakes up at 5 a.m. to workout Monday through Friday 😂

  4. Use pre-workout. I love a good pre-workout. I actually didn't really use pre-workout until I started dating Cooper and once I started taking it, I am not quite sure what rock I had been living under. Below are a couple pre-workouts that I have personally tried and love. The Vital Proteins Pre is a newer product from Vital Proteins that they sent me to try-out! I don't LOVE the the watermelon blueberry flavor if I am being 100% honest with you all, but the results of the pre-workout were great and it didn't leave me feeling jittery at all. Still a great pre-workout option in my book! Linked my pre-workout recommendations below if you are interested.

    *please note that Vital Proteins gifted me this pre-workout but all thoughts and opinions about the product are my own*

    Vital Proteins Pre
    Amino Energy
    BPI Sports Pre-Workout

  5. Workout outside. Spring weather is here and if you are getting sick of working out inside, take your workout outdoors! I did this the other day and it was an immediate mood booster. If you can't take it outside, crack a window or two open and get some fresh air flowing throughout your home. I promise it makes a world of a difference to breathe in some fresh air while sweating it out. Plus, if you are outside, gives you an excuse to turn your music up a little louder without bothering your quarantine buddy 😉

  6. Switch things up and try something new. If there is one positive right now in the fitness industry, it's the fact that there are SO many virtual workouts happening through apps, social media, etc. I have seen so many FREE workouts happening over the past few weeks that I have never seen before. If you are tired of your usual workout routine, maybe pick one day this next week to try something new!

  7. Set your workout clothes out the night before. This one might seem cliché or overused, but nothing gets me more excited to go to the gym than knowing I am wearing a cute workout outfit 💁🏻‍♀️Obviously buying a new outfit to wear to the gym or workout at home every time isn't realistic but picking something out that you know you feel good in, makes a world of a difference. I just recently got this amazing sports bra from Amazon, and it was just the new workout piece I needed to take my workout up one more notch. I swear it works 💪🏻

  8. Use what you have got. I know a ton of workout gear is sold out right now, so if you can find anything online, I would snag it while you can! But don't underestimate what you already have around your house. Madeline Moves has been really helpful in showing us during her weekly moves workouts how to improvise like grabbing a big water jug, some soup cans, laundry detergent, etc. to use as weights instead of dumbbells. Get creative and push yourself!

  9. Make it a virtual date! Coop and I have done a lot of Houseparty's these days, but setting up a time to do a workout with a friend (especially if this is someone you used to go to the gym with), could be super fun! Definitely a different way to hold each other accountable, but could be fun to catch up with your bestie before or after your sweat sesh too with a post-workout smoothie or coffee 🥰

I hope you found these nine at-home workout tips helpful! Per usual, if you ever have any questions, please let me know. I have a little more time on my hands than usual to answer questions, create more content, etc. so don't ever feel like you are bugging me! If you end up trying out any of these tips, be sure to tag me over on Instagram. Have a great rest of your week y'all! We are in this together 💕

with love,



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