Learning to Let Go of the Resolution Mentality

The word 'resolution' is sort of a harsh (and demanding) word if we really think about it. Studies show that 80% of us who set New Year's resolutions will actually fail to achieve them or stick with them throughout the next 365 days. Sheesh. That statistic is sort of depressing, isn't it? Another study found that most people will fail at keeping up with their New Year's resolutions within a few weeks - January 17 to be exact. But what if the problem isn't us, but the actual concept of a "resolution" itself? To me, the word 'resolution' comes off almost as an "all or nothing" or "do or die" type of task rather than a goal -- something we can literally set at anytime of the year and not just beginning on January 1.

Ditching the resolution mindset

As I took some time to reflect on 2019 and all the goals I may or may not have accomplished, I also thought through some "what if" scenarios for the new year. What if in 2020, I decided to ditch the resolution mindset and instead try a new approach? So instead of coming up with a list of "resolutions," this year I decided to go with a more high level phrase that encompasses a majority of the milestones and goals that I hope to achieve throughout the year.

I decided that creating a phrase that exudes positivity at its very core and encompasses the overall direction and vision I have for myself in 2020 would be the best approach.  I feel that ditching the resolutions and going with a phrase of the year sets me up better to reach my goals and hopefully help me move up my own personal ladder of what success looks like for me. So for the new year and new decade, I decided my phrase would be "Make It Happen." To me, this phrase speaks to me personally in terms of just freaking going for it - make that dream happen, y'all!  I guess if you had to sum it up into one word (because just picking one was too hard for me πŸ˜‚), I would choose "grit."

Why I chose a phrase over a list of resolutions

To me, choosing a phrase or a word instead of a list of resolutions doesn't bring as much pressure when it comes to thinking about all the things that I want to accomplish in a new year. The phrase I decided to create is essentially my north star or my "mantra" for the year. As a little tip, the phrase or word you decide to choose (if you choose to try this method this year) should not be demanding, but rather inspiring, positive and uplifting so that hopefully by the end of the year, you will have accomplished some of the goals you set now in January, and maybe even some new goals you didn't know you had until this summer! It should also be gentle, but meaningful enough to not be used as an "easy way out." Although I am not setting any resolutions for myself this year, I do have a list full of huge personal and professional goals that I hope to achieve in 2020, especially pertaining to my blog ☺️ 

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Tips on picking a phrase or word of the year

  1. Visualize it
    Create a vision board. This is something that I started doing last year. I create an 8x11 piece of paper filled with pictures that represent my phrase and milestones that I hope to accomplish throughout the year. I hang it up in my closet and in my office (places that I am in often) so that I am constantly reminded of the things I want to try and accomplish at some point over the next 351 days or so.

  2. Write it down
    I have an entire journal dedicated solely to all of my ideas and goals. I feel like once I write it down, it becomes more "real" to me. This might not personally work for you, but I hope you will at least try it!

  3. Share it with others (if you would like)
    I shared my 2020 phrase with y'all a little while back in a previous Instagram post and I did that in hopes to 1. inspire at least ONE of you and 2. to hold myself accountable. I feel like as soon as we tell our best friend, our mom, our husband, our significant other, our boss, etc. something we want to accomplish or do, we now have a support system in order to go out and do it. 

  4. Make it your mantra
    I feel like this is kind of an obvious one but make your phrase or word your mantra for the year. Put it on sticky notes on your mirror, at your desk, on your computer, etc. I absolutely love my Momentum Jewelry wrap and as soon as I knew that I wanted "Whatever It Takes" to be my mantra for 2020, I knew I wanted it on my wrist when I am working out, training for my next race or working at the studio. They have tons of wrap colors, sayings and a customizable option too if you don't see anything that catches your eye!

What works for me, might not work for you and vice versa

Just remember, what works for me or another person for that matter, might not work for you and that is OKAY. If you enjoy making resolutions for yourself each year, please continue doing that. I just want to emphasize and say that there is NOTHING wrong with resolution setting. If you are trying to work on a better version of you, that is all that really matters. I will cheer you on no matter what.

I just find it more hurtful than helpful for me personally, so I wanted to try and find a better alternative that would actually work and help me be successful in the New Year. As always, I hope you found this blog post helpful and informational! Please always feel free to reach out to me with any feedback or thoughts. I love hearing from you guys! I wish you nothing but happiness and love in the New Year.

With love,



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